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Cookie 是您在瀏覽網站時,網站傳送給瀏覽器的一小段文字,可讓網站儲存您的瀏覽資訊 (例如您的偏好語言和其他設定),方便您下次瀏覽相同網站時套用同樣的設定或是為您提供更實用的服務。Cookie 所扮演的角色非常重要,如果沒有 Cookie,使用網路時將會有許多不便之處。

達運光電會利用 Cookie 來增進其網站瀏覽者的體驗,包括可透過我們的行動裝置存取網站資料的功能,因此公佈此 Cookie 政策。此政策說明何謂 Cookie,及我們如何在網站中使用 Cookie。若您不想在瀏覽我們的網站時接收到,您可以將瀏覽器和/或行動裝置設定為接收 Cookie 時發送通知,或者選擇限制或封鎖 Cookie。


Cookie 是由一串字母和數字組合而成的小型資料檔,會由網頁伺服器存放至您的電腦上,讓網站經營者可用來識別您與其他網站使用者。Cookie 不能做為程式碼執行或用以傳送病毒,而且我們無法以此存取您的硬碟。即使 Cookie 是存放在您的硬碟,但我們無法存取硬碟裡的任何資訊。

透過達運光電網站 Cookie 功能所產生的資料可用於多種用途,包括:

  • 絕對必要性 Cookie:Cookie 讓您可以瀏覽網站並使用其功能,如存取網站中的安全區域及將商品加入購物籃。

  • 效能性 Cookie:Cookie 會收集有關瀏覽者網站使用的相關資訊,如訪客最常造訪的頁面及是否收到錯誤訊息,藉此改善網站未來版本的效能。

  • 功能性 Cookie:Cookie 可讓網站記得您所做的選擇:如使用者名稱、語言偏好設定或所在地區,藉此提供更好的個人化體驗。

  • 目標設定或廣告用途:Cookie 可用以呈現與您和您的興趣更有關聯的內容。我們不允許任何第三方廠商在我們的網站上刊登廣告,但我們無法管制由網路服務商授權的廣告商在您瀏覽網路時提供廣告。

達運光電如需存置任何「非絕對必要」的 Cookie,依法必須先取得您的同意。如需更進一步瞭解 Cookie 的管理方式,可以前往瀏覽器的「說明」功能、行動裝置的設定,或是參閱 此網站提供常用瀏覽器 Cookie 管理的詳細資訊。請注意:如果您選擇停用 Cookie 功能,我們網站的部分內容可能無法正常運作。

Our Cookie Policy

We use cookies for a wide range of purposes on our website and in our email communications to deliver our services and to improve your experience. We’re now also implementing a way for trusted partners to share those learnings, and enhance the experience on their website. This policy describes the categories of cookies that we use (and used by our partners), what they are used for, and how you can change your preferences.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small bites of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Every time you revisit our website, your web browser sends these cookies back to us so that we can customize your experience to better match your interests and preferences, or to simply facilitate your signing in to use our services.


What cookies do we use?

The cookies we use allow us to recognize each returning consumer and their relevant information so that you do not need to input the same information more than once. They also help us to understand visitor traffic patterns through our website so that we can enhance usability.

Take a look at some of the types of cookies that are used across our website:


Essential cookies

We may use essential cookies to enable you to receive the services that you request via our website. Without these cookies, services that you have asked for cannot be provided.

For example, these cookies may be used to:

  • Operate and remember the items that you place in your ‘shopping basket’ when using our store

  • Allow you to access secure areas of our website without having to continually log in to the service

  • Remember previous actions you have taken (such as completing an online form) when navigating back to a page in the same session


Performance cookies modules

We may use performance cookies to collect information about how our website, advertisements and email communications are used and to flag to us if an error occurs. These cookies may be used to collect quite detailed technical information such as the last visited Page, the number of pages visited, whether or not email communications are opened, which parts of our website or email communication are clicked on and the length of time between clicks. While this information may be associated with details such as your IP address, domain or browser information, it is analyzed only in aggregate with information from other users and not in a way that would directly identify you.

For example, these cookies may be used on our website to:

  • Analyze and improve the performance and design of our website, advertisements and email communications

  • Calculate the number of responses to our advertisements to improve the effectiveness of our advertising

  • Measure errors presented on our website to improve our service and management complaints


Referral cookies

We may access referral cookies that are sent to your device by the websites of our business partners. These cookies are used to identify each time our business partners refer someone to our website and whether or not that person’s visit results in the purchase of our product or service. This information may be disclosed to our business partners, but only in an anonymous manner and not in a way that would directly identify you.

We use this information to meet our contractual obligations to our business partners and to assist them in improving the effectiveness of their websites.


Functional cookies

We may use functional cookies that are not essential but enable various helpful features on our website.

For example, these cookies may be used on our website to:

  • Remember the preferences that you selected on a previous visit to our website, such as, country/language, your interests and the presentation of our website (for instance, layout, font size, colors, etc), so you do not have to tell us again

  • Remember answers to questions our website has asked you, such as, not wishing to take part in a customer satisfaction questionnaire so that you are not asked again

  • Detect if a service has already been offered to you, such as an offer of live online help

  • Provide information to allow an optional service to function, such as, watching an online video or commenting on a blog


Targeting or advertising cookies

Targeting or advertising cookies may be used on our website to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests. These cookies may collect quite detailed information about your browsing habits across our website (such as which products and services you have clicked on). They may also be used to recognize when you re-visit our website and/or visit a website that is part of one of our advertising partner’s networks.

For example, these cookies may be used to collect information about our products and services you have browsed or added to your shopping basket across our website so that:

  • Twoway Group companies can provide you with adverts on their websites for our products and services you have been viewing

  • Twoway Group companies can personalize emails and other direct marketing communications you receive

  • Our advertising partners can provide you with adverts on other websites in their advertising network for our products and services that you have been viewing

  • We can limit the number of times you see an advert, as well as measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign


These cookies may be stored and accessed by Twoway Group companies and/or our advertising partners.


Third-party cookies

Your use of our website may result in some cookies being stored that are not controlled by Twoway Group. This may occur when the Page you are visiting includes content displayed from a third party website and will result in you receiving cookies from these third party services. However, no personal information will be stored in these cookies, unless you are logged into your account.

For example, these cookies may come from:

  • YouTube or Facebook

  • Trusted operators

  • Paid Media agencies

  • Twoway Group owned marketing efforts 


Twoway Group does not control the storage or access to these cookies. You should review the privacy and cookie policies of these services to find out how these third parties use cookies.


How to adjust your cookie settings

Most browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored.


What happens if cookies are disabled?

If you block or erase cookies, we may not be able to restore any preferences or customization settings you have previously specified, and our ability to personalize your online experience would be limited.







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